70 years of ITA - Design Exhibition
In July 2018, we were pleased to receive an invitation to participate developing the design and construction of the exhibition “Wings for what I want you” , held by the Association of Engineers of ITA (AEITA), in celebration of the school's 70th anniversary; Exhibition based on the book with the same name, the exhibition seeks to present to the general public part of the collection of the Library of the Technological Institute of Aeronautics, prototypes of the robotics laboratory and facsimile objects that represent the affective and symbolic memory of the institute.
AEITA – Association of ITA Engineers
Curator & Book editor
José Guilherme Ferreira
Project Managment
Ana Paula Soares
Museology & Exhibition Design
Fabian Alonso & Lucas Prada
Graphic Design (Exhibition & Book)
Magno Silveira - Magno Estudio
Set Building
Reobote Cenários
Fine Assembly Team
Bel Mattos, Jessica Monteiro, Lucas Prada, Davi Hllmeister
Yan (TX maquetes) & Mau Montel (Drone Lab Brasil)
Printing & Graphics
Adapt Comunicação Visual
Parque Vicentina Aranha - São Jose dos Campos
Exhibition Period
July 2021 - 2022

rafe conceitual inicial, implantado no hall do auditório Francisco A. Lacaz Netto - do ITA (Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica)

07/2021 Parque Vicentina Aranha Foto: Lucas Lacaz Ruiz

07/2021 Parque Vicentina Aranha Foto: Lucas Lacaz Ruiz

Layout 3D com foto-montagem - proposta de vitrine "linha do tempo".

07/2021 Parque Vicentina Aranha Foto: Lucas Prada

Parque Vicentina Aranha Foto: Adenir Brito

Vitrine Niemayer com maquetes e proposta de suporte audiovisual integrado na vitrine "Linha do tempo"

Pranchas de desenvolvimento museológico auxiliando no processo curatorial.

07/2021 Parque Vicentina Aranha Foto: Fabian Alonso

Processo de criação museografia e projeto inicial das vitrines

07/2021 Parque Vicentina Aranha Foto: Lucas Prada

Parque Vicentina Aranha

07/2021 Parque Vicentina Aranha Foto: Lucas Prada

07/2021 Parque Vicentina Aranha Foto: Lucas Prada

Desenvolvimento do conceito da prancheta de desenho.

07/2021 Parque Vicentina Aranha Foto: Fabian Alonso