Mova-se! Clima e deslocamentos - Get Moving! Climate and Forced Migration
Set design and coordination of the exhibition “Mova-se! Clima e Mudanças” (Get Moving! Climate and Forced Migration), a show that will provide a general understanding of the link between climate issues and migration, and is the largest temporary exhibition ever held by the Immigration Museum of the State of São Paulo.
The theme will be highlighted through the different ways in which science (human and natural), social agents (associations, NGOs and IOs) and the arts deal with phenomena as complex as human mobility in interaction with the climate crisis.
Exhibition Design
AYO Cultural e Lee Dawkins
Executive Production
Julieta Ragazoni
Graphic Design
Mari Afonso, Luiz Dominguez e Ana Heloísa
Set design & Execution Coordination
AssaltoCultural (Fabian Alonso & Marcos Basilio
Construction & Execution
Reobote Cenarios & WoodArt
Photography & Documentation
Studio Lopes, Marcos Basilio & Assaltocultural
Abril. 2024